Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No Quiz on Friday 31 July 2009 and Files nos. 7-11

Since you are going to submit your bibliography on Friday and the afternoon before (Thursday) we have the mass and rosary for Former President, Cory Aquino, there will be no quiz on this coming Friday, July 31, 2009 - memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

For Torah Files nos. 7-11, click on these links:

Torah File no. 7. Structure of the Book of Genesis
Torah File no. 8 Biblical Chronogenealogies
Torah File no. 9 Secondary Sources: Part III of the Guides for Exegesis Paper
Torah File no. 10 Chapter 2: Basic Questions about the Pentateuch
Torah File no. 11 Chapter 3: The Five Books of the Pentateuch: Its Content and Structure

Sunday, July 12, 2009

David Noel Freedman

Conversation with the late David Noel Freedman on the Anchor Bible commentary series.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Format of Ceresko Exam on 10 July 2009

General Instructions:
1. Before the start of the exam, everybody must vacate the T2 room for the teacher to make a special seating arrangement.
2. When told to enter, only writing pen/s are allowed inside the room--nothing else.
3. Look for your assigned seat quietly.
4. Write legibly. Illegible answers can be marked wrong.
5. Be precise and clear with your answers.
6. Not following instructions may merit a minus.
7. Cheating in any form is "vocational suicide" - talking to anyone except the teacher is not allowed. Raise your hand quietly if you have a question.
8. Use only the papers provided for your answer sheets.
9. Duration: 1 hour = 60 minutes.

I. Multiple Choice (10 pts) Choose the best answer to each question. Write the letter in the space provided.

II. Enumeration (10 points). Enumerate or identify without explaining.

III. Essay (10 points). Use the yellow pad paper provided for you. Explain and elaborate only two of your own choice out of these three questions. Maximum of 10 lines per question. Do not copy the questions.